[ tube of the month :December 2016 ]
January 29, 2017[ NEW! # COS D1 DAC and H1 Headdac/amp comparative review on InEarSpace !]
February 11, 2017We have a great pleasure to tell you that after a fantastic review which Verictum DEMIURG power cable got , we now have another product recognised here properly. The COGITARI power par. It may well look to you just like a.. power bar. well it its as it is of course, but the Devil ,as always, sleeps in the details ;-). To find out more, please feel free to read the issue of 152 of the webzine.
We reduce our report here as always to the summary :
” In this short text I was able to just touch the surface of what the Verictum Cogitari can do. I am impressed by how it changes the performance of such an expensive system as mine. It does it with grace, gently leading listeners to the sunny side of the street. It modifies the sound towards the richness and sweetness. It does not, however, offer so well defined sound, as Acoustic Revive does. I guess it was not an intention of Verictum as racing some other company to bit them at their own game and at the same time developing features that competitive products do not offer, as far as I know, had never worked for any company so far.
Here and now we are offered a power strip delivering an organic, natural sound. I listened to it without X Bulk, but after plugging it in I heard even more – more of what I already described. This filter highlights all the good qualities of the Polish strip and worsens nothing. The sound goes even further in the direction of harmonics richness, boldly (yeah!) creating a good world. “
All the pictures used are courtesy of hifidelity.pl