[ G Point Audio Whittlebury saga is now on adventures in hi-fidelity audio webzine ; ]
October 1, 2012[ Hi Fi Pig Recommended Prize ! ]
October 8, 2012I am happy to report that our Mummy horn speakers (horns.pl) had been presented to audience on Danish Hifi & Surround National Show at Marriot hotel. Read more here !
It took the place exactly the same moment as our British National Audio Show did ,so obviously we could not make it ,but horns.pl’s Danish reseller Studio Sound could and did!
Here we have got some highlights from the show report regarding Mummy appearance which on this occasion had been successfully presented with Nu Force electronics ; ]
” Studio Sound – waveguidet party”
[…Last on Sunday seemed Studio Sound carried away and put a sub from the packed Earthquake arrangement for the existing plant, and as usual sat Karsten music with blah…. The Great Earthquake sub was a really good match for Audio Tech’s the Mummy mkII which was played on.
Subben was previously tested on the site – but not reported because it was too heavy, instead one of the smaller subs replaced it, and there is also a test on the way for just The Mummy mkII . …]
We looking forward to this test to be published and will be happy to bring English version of the text to our customers attention as soon as it will see the day light ;]